Welcome to the International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC) 2022 Special Issue (SI) for the Journal of Virtual Exchange! In this SI, arising from projects presented at the International Virtual Exchange Conference, hosted at CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia, Spain in 2022, we discover the many benefits of collaborative education, exploring the intersections of technology, intercultural exchange, and educational innovation. We, the guest editors, are proud to have participated in bringing you, the reader, this captivating exploration of two creative, insightful research articles and four enlightening practice reports that showcase the potential of virtual engagement.
Author Biographies
Chirag C. Sheth, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Chirag Sheth is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health and Immunology at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. He has played an important role in the development of the internationalization strategy at his University through his roles as Deputy-Vice Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Internationalization. He is a COIL trainer and has led training workshops, seminars and capacity building projects for partner universities. Finally, Chirag is an avid internationalist and tech lover with a great interest in enhancing international cooperation between higher education institutions and students from around the world.
Marina Pascual Ortíz, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Marina Pascual Ortiz is International Relations Coordinator at CEU Cardenal Herrera, and has a keen interest in intercultural competencies and innovative methods that foster cross-cultural dialogue. A member of the scientific committee of IVEC 2022, she actively involves her students in COILs and other international virtual programs. Committed to the development of intercultural competencies among teachers and students, she has attended specialized training courses, improving her approach to international education and student engagement.
Deborah Chicharro Alcántara, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Deborah Chicharro Alcántara is currently Deputy Vice-Rector for Internationalization at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. Throughout her carreer she has taken over roles like international relations and mobility coordinador for the Veterinary Faculty in CEU UCH. Deborah is actively involved as coordinator and partner in different Erasmus+ European projects funded by the European Commission that foster global competencies among students and lecturers and internationalization at home. She combines her professional and academic activity teaching veterinary students as a lecturer in veterinary medicine, with special focus on veterinary anatomy and small animal surgery. In addition, she is also a researcher, her main interest areas are stem cells and plasma rich in growth factors.
Copyright (c) 2023 Chirag C. Sheth, Marina Pascual Ortíz, Deborah Chicharro Alcántara

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