Practice Reports

Building virtual bridges between Japan and Taiwan through a short-term virtual exchange workshop




synchronous exchange, English as a foreign language, intercultural communication, teachers' perspectives


Virtual exchanges (VEs) promoting engagement among students in different countries and advancing intercultural understanding have become widespread. However, challenges such as class scheduling and time-zone differences, course and institutional requirements, mean it is not always possible to conduct exchanges over extended periods. We describe a short-term synchronous VE undertaken over two two-hour sessions on consecutive afternoons between college students in Japan and Taiwan. The primary objectives of this VE were to provide students with opportunities to practice English in an international context, gain intercultural understanding, and evaluate the feasibility of future short-term exchanges. With a focus on our assessments and reflections as the instructors who planned and implemented the exchange, we conclude by presenting a general outline for other educators and students with limited timeframes wishing to offer meaningful experiences through international intercultural VEs.

Author Biographies

Brent Kelsen, National Taipei University

Brent Kelsen teaches at National Taipei University Language Center and has been involved in several VEs connecting students from Japan and Taiwan.

Brian Birdsell, Hirosaki University

Brian Birdsell received a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK and currently is an Associate Professor in the Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education at Hirosaki University. His research interests include metaphor, embodied cognition, creativity, and CLIL.

Barry Kavanagh, Tohoku University

Barry Kavanagh is an Associate Professor at Tohoku University where he also received his Ph.D. His research interests include computer-mediated communication, CLIL, and bilingualism.





Practice Reports