“It was like a mental Erasmus!” Perceptions of language learning and intercultural understanding in an e-tandem virtual exchange
virtual exchange, intercultural understanding, oral interaction, foreign language learning awarenessAbstract
Previous research focusing on e-tandem virtual exchanges where learners practice each other’s languages has examined mainly aspects related to form-focused interaction, linguistic development, and intercultural competence (see Akiyama & Cunningham, 2018, for an overview). The present paper examines learners’ introspective data about the benefits they obtained from participating in a Spain-Canada e-tandem virtual exchange. Particularly, the participants’ alternating roles as language learners and language experts and their intercultural understanding were examined to provide insights into their evaluation of the experience of taking part in the exchange. Introspective data was collected on how this exchange helped learners theorize about language learning and teaching and about their intercultural understanding. Learners highlighted that focusing on communication, having patience, and collaborating and cooperating with others were their most frequent concerns when they reflected on their role as language experts helping others practice their dominant language. The findings also indicate that learners’ perceptions about the intercultural understanding gained during the virtual exchange show appreciation of multiculturalism and a tendency to speak about one’s own culture.
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